Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Amber Flag

Amber flag is about suicide aware.  Depression is one of the main causes of suicide, approximately 1 in 10 people in Ireland are depressed at any one time.  Amber flag is a way to raise awareness about suicide and depression and informing people how to help in these situations.  Amber flag's aim is to encourage organisations such as schools, colleges or groups to promote and actively bring about a culture change in the promotion of positive mental health within the educational system and other groups and organisations.  

Transition year is the perfect year to do projects and other things that we couldn't do in a more academic based year.  In religion both class Merkel and class Lagarde have come together to work on getting the amber flag for our school. There are a few different groups within our year group there is events, audit, web and pr group.  I am on the web group which means I write on the website with things relating to the amber flag and our events etc.  Anna G and I are currently writing a post about the fun walk it is very well written since we wrote it.

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